INSIDE THE L is a journey to more intentionally put our vision and values into action. We define, measure and monitor the specific indicators and practices that we strive to live out. Individually and collectively, we know we will never be perfect. Never perfect, but always in pursuit of excellence with integrity. Optimal performance data is gathered using INSIDE THE L culture performance tool, which provides essential information for indicating trends, areas of strength and opportunities for continuous improvement. Our evidence tells us that as our culture grows in intentionality, our successes on and off the field also grow.
““During my first law school interview, I was asked what I do. My grades are great. My testing scores were great. But they asked ‘what makes you stand out from the other applicants? What really sets you aside?’ And I was like, Le Moyne Athletics! I golf. But that doesn’t really make you stand out that much because there are other students who play sports in college. So I talked about the culture we developed here at Le Moyne. How we really excel with Gratitude Attitude and Excellence with Integrity. You really put your teammates before yourself. You always try to get perfection but you realize that’s unattainable so you keep on striving to become better and better.””